

Active Cloud company


IP Transit

IP Transit with BGP sessions on N x 10Gbps or N x 100Gbps ports

IP Transit Solution

High-speed IP Transit for Business internet & VPN services.

We offer our customers with typical port-sizes ranging from 1Gbps, 10Gbps, 40Gbps to 100Gbps or multiple ports with LACP and VRRP. Billing happens at 95/5 percentile, while we just require a minimum commitment of 10% CDR. Fullstack BGP-Session is included.


IP transit at a glance:

markerGuaranteed SLAs up to 99.98%.

markerInterconnected with major Tier 1 transit providers available in Europe

markerBenefit from high-quality and affordable bandwidth.

markerReliable and extensive internet connectivity.

markerGuaranteed Bandwidth.

markerIP Transit is BGP-based service that provides full BGP Internet table

markerExtensive filtering support using BGP communities.

markerSupport IPv4 and IPv6

markerInternet exchanges : AMS-IX, SPEEDIX, IIX

markerCustomer service with 24/7 support